How To Create A Lifestyle Of Peace: 7 Things You Can Start Doing Today

Hi Friends… like you, these last weeks have felt like an absolute whirlwind. So much to process…

Been thinking through ways to support you. I’ve been preparing a series of daily topics to focus on – all surrounding ways to create a lifestyle of peace. I implement these steps into my lifestyle on a regular basis and as a result, feel grounded and confident no matter what comes my way. Here to inspire and show you how you too, can create a place of peace in your life and home. This is a great starting place : ).

1- Take a moment and breathe.

Boil some water and steep a cup of tea. Bake these Cinnamon Buns with Swedish Pearl Sugar. Step aside for at least 3 minutes, close your eyes, and believe it will be ok. We will make it past this trying time, together. Soon. You yourself need to be in a place of rest. If you aren’t, those around you won’t be. I find my rest in my faith. In the knowing that I am not alone. How about you?

2- Embrace staying in and the need for social distancing.

Both practically but also internally. It’s not easy. But – once we can accept this priority and shift our mindset, more peace will come. Remember – it’s just for a season. During this time, let’s think about ways to savor the slowdown. This is the time to be with those we love in our homes. An opportunity to think creatively on this new life adjustment.

So, make some Winter Citrus Toast with Egg, Ricotta & Shaved Fennel together as a family. If you don’t have all these ingredients on hand, use it as an inspiration point and use whatever toppings you are craving and have available.

3- Practice thankfulness.

Part of walking in peace has to do with your mindset. Choosing a positive perspective and focusing on things to be thankful for is a CHOICE. An empowering choice.

Let’s start with the fact that we already live in a digital world : ). I have been so overwhelmed with thankfulness at this one simple thing. The fact that in a moment, I can call my best friend, …my family.. even a client over FaceTime and have that “personal” interaction right here in my living room. It’s everything. Remember… there was a time where that never, ever existed. Wild to think about, isn’t it?

4- Be Productive: why not take the time we have at home right now to organize?!

For me, it’s important to feel like I’m accomplishing something in my life in this new season. So, why not start with reviewing what you have in your kitchen pantry. The kids can help! Make it a family project… Remember all those dry goods at the back of those shelves that you keep meaning to use but never get around to? Now’s your time. And – while you’re at it, why not give your pantry a face lift ? We waste food when we’re not aware. It’s time to be smart. Know what you have.

For some inspiration and organizational tips, check out my Reorganize, Restock & Refresh blog post.

5- Normalcy.

In a time where life as we know it has completely altered, it’s more crucial than ever to stay grounded. Start with practicing the same daily rituals you did at your work or while the kids were at school. Keep your schedule as much as you can for your wake time, lunch break, exercise etc,  and- ensure to set aside time for deep work focus hours. At a minimum, try to start & clock off of work at the same time in your home office. Why not use this time to refresh your home office with these tips.  There’s a lot of incredible brands offering free shipping and great sales online right now. Take advantage if you’re able. 

For those of you with full families at home, it’s more important than ever to maintain consistency. Think about how activities you’ve done outside can be translated indoors with a slight twist. Get creative, make it a fun topic of discussion around the dinner table :). 

6- Focus on giving.

It is a time to be generous, both in heart and action. Join me in continuing to stay connected to close family and friends. And then, as capacity/time allows, think about people around you that may need help. Is there an elderly person or single mom in your apartment building or neighborhood? Check-in with them – leave a note at the door and ask if they need some groceries or coffee delivered. You could also make this delicious Cranberry Coffee Cake (Gluten Free, Nut Free) and drop it off on their doorstep.

What’s important here is 1- making sure no one feels alone and 2- each of us doing our part to take care of each other. Truth is, we are absolutely stronger TOGETHER.

Want to volunteer? Check out @invisiblehandsdeliver. They are doing some remarkable work. Catch the feature article by @voguemagazine sharing more of their story in my stories line up. Also, keep an eye out as every week, Vogue will be spotlighting the medical workers, teachers, and Good Samaritans who are giving back to those in need during the coronavirus crisis.

7- Let’s treasure this time of being (digitally) #alonetogether.

We are in a window of time right now where the world is on pause in a lot of ways. Use this time to lean in – be present, focused. It’s a time we won’t forget. No matter what you’re facing right now, be someone who looks back on this season that was rich for people you love in your life; where you bonded together and made it out stronger.

I’d love to hear from you – find me on social! All thoughts, questions are always welcome here. It is true that we are stronger together. Let’s do this :).


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